Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Usual Day

I wake at 6am nearly every day. When I'm caught up on sleep I'm an awesome morning person and get mountains of work/exercise/life done in the wee dark hours when the newspaper persons beat the streets. When I'm not caught up on sleep I kinda sit in the dark and think about being awake. Usually I'll be alive enough to brew a pot of tea/cup of coffee and make some oatmeal. Class starts at either 8:30am (MW) or 10am (TRF) and it takes between 20 and 60 minutes to get to school via school shuttles. While I have a car I hate it (well not it, just the idea of it and using it. it's a pretty cute beastie all told and has seen us all over the USA: Yosemite, Glacier, Chicago, Death Valley, NY...) and never use it unless what we're getting is too heavy or impossible to get to via public transportation... or cycle.

Anyway, I wander off to school glorying in the noises of the city or in the pulsing, throbbing life-that-is-trance in my Skullcandy. Coffee in hand. I've realized that the coffee is very important. I don't need the caffeine; I've tested that theory and have proved that I'm good and awake without it. I need it because it tastes sooo good. It's like my insta-break mid-conversation, drift-off catcher in class, and connection to living things that grow and aren't cement/frozen/gray. I imagine the hills where the coffee is from, the certainly-poor-but-not-really-worse-off-because-they-live-in-green-hills coffee farmers, the journey of the bean, the roastmaster who realizes the potential lying within the bean, and my careful selection and preparation of the end product. Ah. Richness. Bliss. Coffee.

It's good to ride public transportation because you get to talk with other people and make friends... you know, be a social being. Much better than flipping off the honker you just cut off, Dirty Harry raging in your head (You think you're lucky? Well do ya, punk?"). It's fun to take an open mug and ride the wave too. Reminds me of the ocean. I need that.

Anyway, arriving at school the grind of the day begins. The only way I get anything done is by catching it with a net as it passes through my consciousness and writing it down, physically, pen & paper style. No list, nothing gets done, primarily because I believe there is nothing to do. If it wasn't on my list/calendar it doesn't exist. (This is kind of true in a very real sense too. but I won't bore you with that.) So I look at my schedule, the various bitty notes along the side, the homework assignments, the meetings, the classes, the errands: and I jump on the treadmill.

Honestly, I love it. Ideas, applications, intellectual challenge, the vast conversation of understanding going on between me, the professor, my texts, my classmates, and history never ceases to amaze me. I've felt the world change, seen the visual overlay shift just from understanding. Learn, learn, learn all you can. Never stop. Don't learn for your job, for your career, for the letters after your name, because you can't think of anything else to do... learn because it shapes your world, who you are, and what you become in supremely profound ways. Down to the reality you experience.

Around 3:30 (MTW) or 12:30 (RF) classes and meetings are usually done and it's time for homework. Loads of it. It never ends. If I don't have any then I need another list.

Sometimes I'll head the library, other times I'll head home. Both are great places to study but have varying levels of distraction. I think wifeys and good friends are inherently distracting. But that is a good thing.

Three things I've noticed that would really make me feel better about life in general (which is hard to do because life is pretty freaking amazing):

1) Sleep such that I can run/yoga/exercise in the am. I can do it. I have done it. It would be good for me and everyone around me would cease hearing me bitch, therefore it would be good for them.

2) During that late afternoon/evening study time I should head to a cafe once a week, to spice things up, see different places, and read in transit. Mmm need to remember that. Reading in transit is important.

3) Make solid space in the evening for relaxing w/my Love. Often just leaving it "open" makes it seem disposable and therefore overlooked... homework runs into the evening, we'll veg when we don't really need to and could be doing something more interactive... hm. That one warrants more thought.

How do your days run? What ideas do you have that could enrich the flow?



pixie658 said...

I am a little jealous of your schedule! Tuesdays I have a 9-11:30 class and a meeting with my advisor at 3. I have a lab meeting at 10am and class at 1:30-4 Thursdays. I work Monday, Wednesday, Fridays 9-4. I commute 30-45 mins to and from campus. Sometimes more if traffic is bad. And then the schoolwork begins when I'm home. (Or the procrastination - like right now - because I'm tired!)
I honestly get most of my schoolwork done on the weekends. It can be tough to get a week's worth of reading and writing done in two days, but I try! Hah. :)
I am not nor will I ever be a morning person. But I've gotten better about getting up by 8 and going to bed by 2am. I prefer to go to yoga at 4 because I can come home, drink a protein shake and get some work done. I like cooking dinner late and relaxing for an hour watching TV and catching up on blogs while I eat. I haven't been able to any of that so far this semester.
I've said a million times my life would be easier with a personal assistant/maid/cook. :)
So for me, every day is different. I try to make the best of it. :)
I admire your zeal and dedication to exercising in the morning. I also think you are good at managing your time.

anne said...

Go, Taylor, Go!! Your schedule has always impressed me.. especially all the little notes on your calendar :) I love you! :*

Taylor said...

Thanks for the comments!

Pixie: totally understand the hectic schedule! when I was an MA, working two jobs, prepping papers for conferences, it was a lot messy-er. And I had a short commute! More power to you! I did have reading days, where I could just hang at a cafe for 12 hours and read, but they were islands in the storm.
Not working has it's nice parts: school/homework 10-12 hours a day straight, focus in a particular area. Though I do miss the variety.
I think that we revert to childhood when we're stressed for time. I'm a morning person because I've always been a morning person. I love the sunrise, the grey morning light, the quiet before the bustle of the day. Evenings, for the most part, are fiction/poetry/conversation/movie times for me...
Sounds like you have a fabulous evening plan! I'd like to clean up my evenings too... they tend to drag both in productivity and good relaxation... ending up in an unsatisfying mix of both.

Anne: Thanks! Your super-productive evenings are always a beacon for me :)