Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thursday, March 11th, 2004

“One Day More, another Day, another Destiny…” – Jean Valjean (Les Miserables by Victor Hugo)

When I wake in the morning, the first thing to enter my mind is the vast amount of work that I must accomplish that day. Just at the peak of this feeling, the peak that inevitably leads to despair I realize something grand… something beautiful… something amazing. Let me tell you a story.

“Once I knew these two good friends, Fred was in his early twenties and the Old Man in his early nineties. Every day they would go about their jobs and come home tired and exhausted and relax by fishing. At the end of one particularly hard day, Fred asked the Old Man, “Old Man? What do you have to live for? Your wife died twenty years ago, your children are all grown up and never visit, you work the same boring job every day without hope of promotion, your health is failing and all you are really good at is fishing.” The Old Man ponders that thought a little while whilst looking out over the tired sun painting the clouds a rich, royal purple before bedding down for the night. “You know?” the Old Man replies, “Every day something wonderful happens to me, I wake up! What more can you ask than that? Once you wake up, everything is possible.”

What an idea! What a realization! My face brightens at that thought and even at 6 AM on a Tuesday morning with eight solid hours of class to enhance the day before me, a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth and a song wells up in my soul.

Dreams can be fulfilled, homework can be completed, classes can be understood, and anything can be accomplished as long as you have the strength to wake up in the morning.

Would you like to hear my dreams? I split them into two categories: academic and personal.

Academic dreams – I hope to graduate college in 2008 from Gonzaga University with a BS in Biochemistry, a BA in Philosophy and a minor in mathematics and in physics. From there I plan on being accepted into University of Washington’s Ph.D./M.D. program and graduate in 2016 with a M.D. and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. I plan on specializing in obstetrics and gynecology during residency at UW and then moving to Rome, Italy in 2020 to practice while obtaining my Ph.D. in Bioethics at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum. After obtaining my Ph.D. in Rome, I plan on moving back to the US and becoming a voice for the protection of women and the unborn in regards to sexual ethics.

Personal dreams – I hope to be married out of undergrad and raise a huge family. I come from a family of ten and have always loved it; I want to give my children and my wife all the love and devotion I can.

What does tomorrow hold for me? Everything.

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